
Resilience / Personal Development / Emotional Strength

About Us

A project called ‘Fight the Good Fight (FTGF),’ initiated by the Love Somebody Charitable Trust, has been shaped by the collective wisdom, values, and contributions of a village of elders and individuals. This collaborative effort aims to nurture growth, build mental resilience, foster personal development, and strengthen emotional well-being, creating opportunities that benefit everyone involved.


Community Sessions


Adult Participants


School Sessions (Y9-13)


School Students

What's been said about FTGF

My well-being has improved dramatically despite dealing with the death of a parent during the course. I have a template for how to live now.

Adult Voice

I am now aware how the 9 traits and my mental capacity present in my life. Each aspect is crucial to solving a problems within my circle and within my personal life. I now take control assertively of situations that I find tough.

Student Voice

Awesome programme. So thankful to Wes and the team for this. Benefited a great deal with identifying some issues that I needed to deal with which was preventing me from living life to the full and maximising that joy. Well done team. I believe you have a true gem here that needs to be shown to everyone period.

Adult Voice

I found FTGF to be incredibly beneficial as it taught me valuable lessons that I've successfully applied in my daily life. The program also provided a platform for discussing my mental struggles, connecting with fellow students facing similar issues, and learning effective coping strategies. This experience has boosted my confidence in public speaking, and I'm hopeful for its continuation in the coming year.

Student Voice

Loved the programme for many reasons. The facilitators created a warm, welcoming and safe space for participants to contribute authentically. Participants were able to be vulnerable in the knowledge that their stories were valued. Grateful for the experience.

Adult Voice

I can’t help but feel happy to see the people around me talk about the good the class is doing for them. The instructors are very good at getting students - who I wouldn’t see allowing themselves to be vulnerable - lower their guard to make some emotional breakthroughs. To me, this is golden.

Student Voice

Fight the good fight has taught me how to forgive myself, not to blame myself and not to always put pressure on myself

Student Voice


Our Courses


"Unlock Your Potential in a Safe and Supportive Space for Men: Embrace 9 Traits for Mental Resilience. Conquer fear, rejection, shame, punishment, and failure. Harness your inner strength and venture forward without hesitation. Join us on a journey to fortify your mental fortitude and become the best version of yourself." – Register Now to one of our upcoming sessions


"Discover 9 character traits to protect your mental well-being and be your best self in a safe and inclusive space for all genders. Overcome fear, rejection, shame, punishment, and failure. Filter out the noise and journey fearlessly together." – Register Now to one of our upcoming sessions


"An Inclusive and Safe Space for Teine TOA: Empower Your Inner Strength with 9 Traits. Triumph over fear, rejection, shame, punishment, and failure alongside your fellow Teine Toas. Strengthen your mental fortitude and step confidently into your true potential in this supportive program." – Register Now to one of our upcoming sessions

Contact Us – Expression of Interest for School

Our Trustees

Steve Kimi
Sharlene Atai

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Our Past and Present Support